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[E] richie47
[E] richie47
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over 13 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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Neat, i saw that a week or two ago and tryd to make one, but for some reason every time i try to put it in my sig it blurs the image and i cant read it with my phone
over 13 years ago
Just google it
over 13 years ago
I dont know the syntax for VBA but it do know a little C++ and C#, I think you just need a simple conditional statement like: If (shapevalue == 1) then (Area = length of side 1 * lenght of side 2) Else (shapevalue==2) then (Area = ... then after the conditional statements, use whatever function displays the value like Display.Area cout>>"Area =">>Area or something
over 13 years ago
I remember being able to turn Soul Sand into Glowstone using redstone wire redstone, can't do that anymore. Is it a plugin problem or will i just not be able to do that anymore?
over 13 years ago